Williamson County Community Chorus Auditions January 2-8, 2019
Are you looking for an opportunity to sing in an inviting and friendly atmosphere? Then consider participating in Williamson County Park and Recreation’s Williamson County Community Chorus. The chorus is under the direction of Dr. Linda Bolding, an accomplished musician with more than twenty years of experience conducting adult choirs. Since the beginning of the choir in 2017, Dr. Bolding has brought professional excellence and experience to the Williamson County Community Chorus.
Those interested in auditioning should contact Dr. Bolding by phone, text, or email at 512-940-0674 or Lbolding145@gmail.com to schedule an audition between January 2-8, 2019. Rehearsals are Tuesday nights from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Williamson County Enrichment Center at Academy Park, 110 Everbright Ave., Franklin. A spring performance is scheduled for April 28, 2019.
For additional information about the Williamson County Community Chorus visit www.wcparksandrec.com.