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New National Wonder Woman Day Celebration to Launch at Barnes & Noble Cool Springs on June 3


New National Wonder Woman Day Celebration to Launch at Barnes & Noble Cool Springs on June 3

DC Entertainment’s Wonder Woman Day Event at Barnes & Noble Cool Springs Will Feature Activities for all Ages, Special Giveaways and Buy 2 Get 1 Free for all DC Comics

Brentwood, TN – May 25, 2017 — Barnes & Noble Cool Springs today announced that the store will celebrate the launch of DC Entertainment’s new “National Wonder Woman Day” on Saturday, June 3 at Noon. Wonder Woman fans of all ages are invited to Barnes & Noble Cool Springs to recognize one of the world’s most popular female superheroes with activities and giveaways of DC’s special edition comics DC Superhero Girls and DC Universe Rebirth, while supplies last. Additionally, all DC comic graphic novels will be buy two, get one free from May 27 to June 3 in honor of Wonder Woman Day. The celebration follows the release of Warner Bros. Pictures’ highly anticipated action-adventure film Wonder Woman on June 2.

During Wonder Woman Day at Barnes & Noble Cool Springs, customers of all ages are invited to participate in fun Wonder Woman-themed activities including opportunities to make their own superhero symbol and color-and-cut Wonder Woman tiaras.

In addition to these activities, customers will receive one copy each of DC Superhero Girls and DC Universe Rebirth (special edition), while supplies last. DC Superhero Girls Special Edition features a chapter from the upcoming DC Superhero Girls Vol. 3: Summer Olympus, written by Shea Fontana with art from Yancey Labat. DC Universe Rebirth Wonder Woman Day (special edition) is from this year’s DC REBIRTH, written by Greg Yucka and illustrated by Liam Sharp.

To extend the celebration, all DC comic graphic novels will be buy two, get one free from May 27 to June 3 at Barnes & Noble Cool Springs.

Customers are encouraged to browse Barnes & Noble Cool Springs’ vast selection of DC products and Wonder Woman-themed books, gift products, toys, games, collectibles and more. Featured books include Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies (Rebirth) (B&N Exclusive Edition); Wonder Woman: The Junior Novel; The Big Book of Girl Power; DC Super Heroes: My First Book of Girl Power; Be A Star, Wonder Woman!; and LEGO® DC Comics Super Heroes The Awesome Guide. Featured gift products and collectibles include Pop Keychain: DC Wonder Woman Movie Shield; POP Movies: DC Wonder Woman Hippolyta; POP Movies: DC Wonder Woman Steve Trevor; POP Movies: DC Wonder Woman Sword & Shield; Wonder Women Bound Lined Journal 6″ X 8″; Wonder Woman Tiara Bracelet and Illustrated Book; Wonder Woman Talking Figure and Illustrated Book; and Wonder Woman Tumbler 24oz. Customers should contact Barnes & Noble Cool Springs for more information on what products are available to purchase.

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