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What-23rd Annual Steak & Burger Dinner

When-6:00 PM Thursday May 3, 2012

Where-Franklin Marriot at Cool Springs, Franklin TN

Benefits-The Franklin and Fairview Boys & Girls Clubs

Cost-$125 per person. The $125 ticket price buys an adult a steak dinner and a Club member a burger dinner.

What to Know-The evening begins at 6 pm with a Cash Bar and Silent Auction followed by Dinner and Performance. The dinner will honor Franklin Club Youth of the Year, Tiara Steele and Fairview Youth of the Year, Brandon Flynn.  At the first dinner Club members dined on “Steak’ while adults dined on “Burgers”.  Many years later in keeping with tradition, there are Club members who will trade with an adult their “Burger” for a “Steak”.

Contact: For tickets or sponsorship information contact Denise Carothers at 615-794-4800 or