FranklinIs Connected

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey


Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey

Don’t miss Fully Charged, the all-new surge of circus entertainment from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey where megawatts of thrills explode off of the arena floor with breathtaking dare-devilry, superhuman stunts and never-before-seen performances that energize Children of All Ages!
Jan 26, ’12 | 7pm
Jan 27, ’12 | 7pm
Jan 27, ’12 | 10:40am
Jan 28, ’12 | 7pm
Jan 28, ’12 | 3pm
Jan 28, ’12 | 11am
Jan 29, ’12 | 5pm
Jan 29, ’12 | 1pm
Purchase Advanced Parking for This Event
Dinner will be available prior to the following perfromances:
January 27th at 7pm
January 28th at 3pm
January 28th at 7pm
***Please note there is no preshow for the Friday, January 27th 10:40am performance.