FranklinIs Connected

Vision Fair Boards


Vision Fair Boards

Franklin Tomorrow is in the midst of its Vision Fair and residents can visit Franklin City Hall this week to have their say in a shared vision for the future of Franklin.

The boards were installed at Franklin City Hall, 109 Third Ave. S., Franklin, Monday afternoon and will be ready for public viewing Tuesday morning through Friday afternoon, Nov. 8-11, during regular City Hall business hours.

A number of other locations and speaking engagements are planned in November and December to gather input. Residents can also take the survey online at

Hundreds of volunteers have worked over the past year to develop refocused strategies and goals in the nine areas in which Franklin Tomorrow works — Business, Community Character, Education, Environment, Government, Growth & Development, Housing, Recreation, and Transportation.

More than 65 strategies have been developed by the volunteers to address the nine goal areas. After voting concludes in mid-December, a report will be compiled early in 2012 detailing the results of the process.

This is the third time the goals and strategies of Franklin Tomorrow have been revisited during its 10 years in existence as a local non-profit.

Franklin Tomorrow uses a broad definition for the word citizen, encouraging those who live, work or play in the city to become involved.

During the Vision Fair, citizens are asked to pick up a strip of five dots and review all nine boards then select their top Five  strategies from the 67 suggested.

Those who would like to rewrite a strategy or have a suggestion can use the yellow index cards and leave them in the brown box. Citizens can also sign up to join one of the working groups on the “YES! I want to be part of the solution” sheets found on the table.

Franklin Tomorrow is a non-profit community organization engages the community, fosters collaboration and advocates for a shared vision.

CONTACT: Franklin Tomorrow Executive Director Mindy Tate at (615) 794-0998 or (615) 210-9401 for additional details.