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10 steps for new year’s success

10 steps for new year’s success

“A successful New Year’s resolution for a new mom is one that’s in reach,” explains Deena Prichard, owner of Stroller Strides Nashville. “When you create simple-to-adopt, attainable targets, the transition to a healthier lifestyle becomes more seamless and you’re less inclined to slip up or give up on your goals.”

To stay on the road to resolution success, Prichard suggests new moms stay consistent with the following countdown:

10. Adopt a daily exercise philosophy. No matter if it’s a brisk stroller walk or a few sets of crunches and stretches during baby’s nap time, find some time each day to move your body.

9. Take time for yourself. Moms are consistently trying to take care of everyone else, but this role is impossible if you don’t take care of yourself. Whether it’s meditation or a quick read before bed, make sure “me time” is set aside daily.

8. Must eats. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Try to eat whole foods (unprocessed and unrefined).

7. Don’t eats. Anything processed. Stay away from fried foods and those high in sugar and salt.

6. Must drink. Water! Every system in the body depends on water, but most people don’t even realize when they’re dehydrated. Make sure you’re filling up your water bottle throughout the day and consuming around two or more liters.

5. Seek out a supportive social network. There are actually physical and psychological benefits for women when they socialize – especially with other women. Join an exercise group like Stroller Strides, a moms’ club or use the internet as a resource to reach out to other moms.

4. Fill up on fiber. Virtually all diets recommend a high-fiber intake. Add flax to your cereal or morning smoothie and make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits, veggies and legumes.

3. Take on a self-esteem mantra. Your words influence your world. Find three words to repeat to yourself each day that will help you find well-being, such as ’peace,’ ’health’ and ’harmony.’

2. Breathe. You of course breathe every moment of the day, but find a few minutes to breathe with purpose. Breathe in for three counts; hold for three counts; and release for three counts. Your body will benefit from the oxygen and stress will slowly melt away.

1. Advertise to yourself. Most New Year’s resolutions are soon forgotten. Just like advertisers send subliminal messages to remind you to buy their product, you should put up notes throughout your home to remind yourself what you’re trying to accomplish and why.

For more tips on reaching postnatal health goals and Stroller Strides Nashville, please contact Deena Prichard at 800-682-0420 or

About Stroller Strides
Stroller Strides classes are offered in more than 800 locations nationwide. The hour-long classes emphasize cardiovascular activities and muscle-strengthening exercises using resistance bands and strollers, allowing moms to interact with their babies throughout their workout. Stroller Strides franchises are available for those interested in a home-based, family-friendly business. Stroller Strides is the country’s 17th fastest growing franchise according to Franchise Times Magazine. Stroller Strides has been featured on The Today Show, Montel, CNN, Inside Edition and more! For more information about Stroller Strides, including class locations, visit