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Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers

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Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers

For the past five years, Kellogg & the Sixers have toured non-stop, some years clocking in close to 300 shows.  They’ve shared the stage with such notable and diverse artists as Guster, James Brown, Jason Mraz, Kathleen Edwards, Carbon Leaf, Mike Doughty, Josh Ritter, George Thorogood, Hanson, and Pat McGee Band.  In addition, the band shared arena stages with million-selling American band O.A.R.

Recently, FranklinIs got to know Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers through an e-interview.  Boots (Brian Factor), the band’s drummer answered the 5 Random Questions on behalf of the band!

Does the band have any pre-performance rituals/special things that you do to get pumped up for a show?
Well, we liked to hang out a lot together and get excited for the show.  This usually entails having a couple drinks, warming up our voices and writing set lists…  It usually never deviates from that.

What is your favorite stage to perform on (and why)?
If by “stage” you mean stage of a “venue”, I would have to say the 9:30 Club in Washington DC, or the Triple Door in Seattle.  Those venues are very accommodating to the artist and have great sound…  If by “stage” you mean an actual “stage”, I prefer the flat ones with no cavernous holes…

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you guys on the road?
Trying to explain things that happen on the road is like speaking Chinese to someone who only understands English.  You kind of just have to be there…

What’s your favorite thing about Nashville?

I would have to say two things:  The history of the city and all those who have passed through, from Hank Williams to the Grand Ole Opry and the Boot Shops.  Although I would never buy a pair (ironically…) I like to browse and look at the extremely high prices…

What is your 2nd Annual New Year’s Event?
What is it?  Well, it’s a show…  I can tell you more about it – It’s going to be a blast.  It’s taking place in Connecticut, which is right near home base for us and we’re going to bring in the new year with a bang.  We always plan out some special set that no one has ever really heard before.

Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers is a Massachusetts’ trio made up of two distinct parts.  In one corner stands the unmistakably jubilant personality of rock-n-roll’s The Sixers; in the other sits an authentic American songwriter in a period of profound growth.  Rising triumphantly in the center is a band whose music is the perfect marriage of the two.

A few months after the band formed, they experienced a harrowing flight to Florida where they collectively saw their lives flash before their eyes.  The experience caused them to all do a lot of soul searching.  The result is Glassjaw Boxer – a lasting letter to the world about family and friendships, released in July 2007.  As a songwriter, Stephen emerged from the flight with a new found appreciation for everything and everyone in his life and his heartfelt songs reach out to those he cares most about.  Delving into thoughts and issues we all struggle with on a daily basis.

Live, the Sixers – Keith “Goose” Karlson (bass/keys) and Brian “Boots” Factor (drums) – play together like brothers, effortlessly sharing the stage and the spotlight. Honed over hundreds of gigs across the country, the Sixers shows are vivid celebrations of camaraderie and friendship.  “There is a realization in the band,” says Kellogg, “that this is a journey. It’s not just an end result.  What you have is what you make of every day.”

With a full North American tour lined up for the fall and the release of American Standard in the start of 2009, the future of Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers looks brighter than ever. And their broadening base of dedicated followers: teenagers covering their binders and MySpace profiles with “SK6ERS” and their parents re-discovering how rock ‘n roll can speak to them, deeply, through the words and music of Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers, will continue to find what they’ve been searching for – a growing musical legacy of a life honestly and actively lived.

To learn more about Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers, visit