Join the March 25 Book Club Social at John P. Holt Brentwood Library

The Friends of the Brentwood Library (FOBL) invites the public to attend its upcoming Book Club Social to be held Tuesday, March 25 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the John P. Holt Brentwood Library.
The event creates opportunities to meet new friends, share reading ideas and recommendations, and participate in literary-themed games and trivia. Game winners will receive prizes, and snacks and hors d’oeuvres will be available for all attendees.
“The Friends of the Brentwood Library is very excited to host this fun, social evening,” said Tricia Allison, president of FOBL. “Events like this help foster a sense of community at the library by providing opportunities to meet new friends who have a passion for books, as well as for everyone to learn firsthand about the library’s amazing resources,” she said.
FOBL is encouraging everyone who loves reading and books and would like to connect and learn more about the library, its book clubs, and other offerings to come out for the fun-filled event. In addition to the games and activities, attendees will also have a chance to hear about the library’s 50+ book club sets, which cover every genre and are a great way to kickstart a local book group.
The Book Club Social is a free, public event but registration is required. To register, please visit the library’s calendar web page ( and click on March 25 for the Book Club Social.
For further information on FOBL, its mission, and programs, or to become a member or volunteer, please visit the website at or follow us on Facebook @friendsofthebrentwoodlibrary or Instagram @brentwoodfriends.