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BBB Offers Tips on Giving Wisely After a Tornado

BBB Offers Tips on Giving Wisely After a Tornado

After seeing images and footage of the catastrophic tornadoes that swept through parts of Middle Tennessee and Kentucky, many are seeking opportunities to help. Contributing to fundraisers is usually the best solution. Unfortunately, scammers use times of great need after a tragedy to target those interested in giving.

Better Business Bureau serving Middle TN and Southern KY urges donors to give thoughtfully and avoid those seeking to take advantage of the generosity of others.

“The aftermath of the recent tornadoes has many of us seeking ways to give,” said Robyn Householder, President & CEO of Better Business Bureau Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. “Before donating money, we suggest you do some research.”

To avoid the possibility of being scammed, there are four tips from BBB everyone can use before giving money:

  1. Review crowdfunding sites to find out transaction fees and other specifics.
  2. Before donating to a celebrity’s fundraising effort, look beyond the fame and see if they identify plans for the intended use of funds.
  3. Beware of vague appeals for money that do not identify how funds will be used.
  4. Never click on links to unfamiliar charity websites sent through text messages or email.

In addition to the tips provided, Householder says, “Donors should visit the website to verify if a charity meets the BBB standards for charitable accountability. Visiting the website will help reduce confusion and risk of being scammed.”

BBB cares and is here to help. If you have questions, please send us an email or give us a call 615-242-4222.

If you encounter a scam while trying to give to a worthy cause, please submit the scam details to