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Grant Awarded to Friends of Williamson County Animal Center by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Grant Awarded to Friends of Williamson County Animal Center by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Pictured above, seven-year old Diamond is a happy and active girl that would love to accompany you on long walks. She can be a little picky about her furry friends so a meet and greet is required before adoption for those who already have another doggo in their home and she is not a fan of cats. But don’t let that keep you from visiting Diamond and all the other adorable adoptables at WCAC!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, a charitable organization dedicated to enriching the quality of life in the 40 Middle Tennessee counties it serves, announces $2,802,040 in grants to 432 nonprofit organizations as part of the 2022 annual grant making process.

Friends of Williamson County Animal Center has received a $5,000 grant to provide spay/neuter services for 750 community pets at no cost to owners who pre-qualify based on household income.

“The work of our nonprofit partners has never been more important as we watch needs emerge and evolve in this community,” said Ellen Lehman, president of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. “The Community Foundation is honored to connect generosity with need through these annual grants and other avenues throughout the year, but we couldn’t have an impact without the array of quality nonprofits offering solutions to our community’s needs and vital services to our neighbors.”

The Community Foundation awards discretionary grants annually from its unrestricted and field- of-interest funds through an open application process to Middle Tennessee nonprofits organizations addressing community needs and benefiting the well-being of citizens through valuable programs and innovative services.

More information on the grant process is online at

About Friends of Williamson County Animal Center

Friends of WCAC exists to promote and support a compassionate environment and humane treatment for the animals of Williamson County. Our mission focuses on three general areas: 1) Provide support to Williamson County Animal Center; 2) Increase community awareness regarding animal welfare; and 3) Support/initiate legislation and policies that provide compassionate treatment of animals.

About The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

The Community Foundation exists to promote and facilitate giving in the 40 counties of Middle Tennessee and beyond. It does this by accepting gifts of any size from anyone at any time and by empowering individuals, families, companies, nonprofits and communities to respond to needs and opportunities that matter. The Community Foundation works with people who have great hearts, whether or not they have great wealth, to craft solutions that reflect their intentions and goals. For more information, call 615-321-4939 or visit
